الثلاثاء، 23 مارس 2010



do pal ruka khwaabo.n ka kaaravaa.nThe caravan of dreams stopped for a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.nand then where did you walk off, and where did I?
do pal kii thii yeh dilo.n kii daastaanThis story of hearts lasted only a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n...and then where did you go, and where did I?
tum the ki thii koii ujalii kiraNWas that actually you, or was it a ray of light?
tum the ya koii kalii muskaa'ii thiiWas that actually you, or was it a smiling flowerbud?
tum the ya sapno.n ka tha saawanWas that you, or was it the rain of dreams?
tum the ya khushiyo.n kii ghaTaa chhaa'ii thii Was that you, or did a cloud of joy pass overhead?
tum the ki thaa koii phuul khilaWas that you, or did a flower bloom?
tum the ya mila tha mujhe naya jahaa.nWas that you, or did I find a whole new world?
do pal ruka khwaabo.n ka kaaravaa.nThe caravan stopped for a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.nand then where did you walk off, and where did I?
do pal kii thii yeh dilo.n kii daastaanThis story of hearts lasted only a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n...and then where did you go, and where did I?
tum the ya khushbuu hawaa'o.n me.n thiiWas that you, or was it a scent on the breeze?
tum the ya ra.ng saarii dishaa'o.n me.n theWas that you, or was there color bursting in all four directions?
tum the ya roshnii raaho.n me.n thiiWas that you, or was it some light on the road?
tum the ya giit guu.nje fizaa'o.n me.n theWas that you, or was it a song echoing in the atmosphere?
tum the mile ya milii thii ma.nzile.nDid I find you, or did I find my destination?
tum the ki tha jaaduu bharaa koii samaa.nWas that you, or was it simply a moment touched by magic?
do pal ruka khwaabo.n ka kaaravaa.nThe caravan of dreams stopped for a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.nand then where did you walk off, and where did I?
do pal kii thii yeh dilo.n kii daastaanThis story of hearts lasted only a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n...and then where did you go, and where did I?

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