
الخميس، 27 نوفمبر 2008
غرفتها_nezar qabany

في الحُجْرَة الزَرْقَاءِ .. أحيا أنا
بَعْدَكِ ، يا أُخْتُ ، أَصَليّ الرياشْ
وفيه بَرْعَمْنَا الحريرَ افتراشْ
ليلاتِ ذَرْذَرْنا تشاويقَنا
وثَدْيُكِ الفُلِّيُّ .. كَوْمَ سَنَا
يُغْمَى على البياض منهُ القماشْ
شقراءُ .. لا أَعْدَمُهَا لَثْغةً
يعيا بها ثغرُكِ عند النقاشْ
ومَنْ على الألوانِ والظلِّ عاشْ؟
ففيه من طيبكِ بعضُ الرشاشْ
وهاهُنا رسالةٌ .. نثرُك الغالي بها
أَعَزُّ ما خلّفتِ لي خُصْلةٌ
حبيبةٌ ، تهتزُّ فوقَ الفِراشْ
تهفو إلى منبتها في ارتعاشْ
شقراءُ .. يا فَرْحةَ عشرِيننا
شقراءُ .. يا يوماً على المنحنى
طاش به ثغري .. وثغرُكِ طاشْ
وفوقنا للياسمينِ اعتراشْ
ونشربُ الليلَ ، صدى مَيْجَنا
قُولي .. ألا يُغريكِ لونُ الدُنَا
بالعَوْد .. فالطيرُ أتتْ للعِشَاشْ
شقراءُ .. يا فَرْحةَ عشرِيننا
ونَكْهَةَ الزِقّ .. وهَزْجَ الفَراشْ
شقراءُ .. يا يوماً على المنحنى
طاش به ثغري .. وثغرُكِ طاشْ
نمشي فيندي العُشْبُ من تحتِنا
وفوقنا للياسمينِ اعتراشْ
ونشربُ الليلَ ، صدى مَيْجَنا
وصوتَ أجراسٍ .. وعَوْدَ مَوَاشْ
قُولي .. ألا يُغريكِ لونُ الدُنَا
بالعَوْد .. فالطيرُ أتتْ للعِشَاشْ
ثورة الصمت ( من كلماتي)
وصمت نداء الشوق في دمنا
ومات الحب في قلبينا واعيننا
غاب شئ كان دوما بداخلنا
ضاع صوت في الاصداء كان يجمعنا
ينادينا ..يناشدنا
بأن نرجع..
مات فينا..
اضعناه بأيدينا
هلا نمضي..
فقد وأدنا الصوت في فمنا
فدعنا نمضي في تنائينا
دعنا نحطم قيد التشبث وأنانية البقاء
فنحاول أن نفترق _ بتحضر_ كأصدقاء
ما جدوي استمرارنا؟
احساسي أجوف وعيونك خرساء
لما نبقي وقلبي فاقد ذاكرته معك
وحجرية نظرتك للأشياء
فليس يجمعنا سوي الصمت,
و أربعة جدران صماء.
الأربعاء، 26 نوفمبر 2008
عشق الطاووس (من كلماتي)

لن أبقى في قبضة أهوائك تتنازعني أقدار الرحيل أو البقاء.مثل ريشة في مهب ريح هوجاء.. تحملها أعلى قمم الأمل, ثم تهوي بها إلي سفوح الخيبة واليأس.القلب الهاجع في صدري يسبح في نهر الوهم, قد هب من غفلة أحلامه ليواجه إعصار غرورك يسحق داخله زهرة أمانيه . يوما ما ..كان غاية أملي أن أوقد عمري شموعا في طريقك, أن أنسى العالم على أبوابك, ويترهبن قلبي في محراب هواك فأجد في عينيك جنتي.
لكني أدركت انك لا تحتاج لحبي ولا تحتاج أحد. فأنت لا تحب إلا نفسك لا تعشق سوى إرضائها ولا ترى في الكون سواها.
طاووس يختال بجماله .. هذا هو أنت عاشق لذاتك, وفيما عداها أنت تمتلك لا تحب. وأنا لن أدرج قلبي في قائمة أملاكك, وليس من آمالي أن تسبي مشاعري جوار يمتعن نرجسيتك.
أنت لا تعرف كيف تحب لأنك لا تعرف ما هو الحب.
الحب أن تعطي, أن تمنح من عواطفك وقلبك, وحتى من نفسك.. أن تتلاشى فيمن تحب, تتوحد معه وتصبح جزءا منه, ذائبا في كيانه.. أن يغدو كل منكما هو الآخر لا يملكه ولكن يحتويه ويحتضن روحه ويلتحم بها.تحبه هو.. ثم تحب ذاتك لأنها تحبه , وتحب الكون من خلاله..أما ما تفعله أنت تحت راية الحب فهو احتكار للنفس وللإحساس, احتلال للروح والجسد.أنت تهيمن.. تطغى .. تعربد بسلطان حبي علي ..
ما تدعوه أنت حب اسميه أنا استعباد, أصنفه جريمة.
فيا أيها الطاووسي المشاعر..
في لعبتك المجنونة أنت تخسر ,فمن راهنت على بقائها في نير هواك نزعت عن عمرها ربقة حبك, أطلقت أحلامها من سجن إرضائك.انه أقسى مما احتمل أن يتحول أجمل إحساس عايشته إلي تحفة في خزانة مقتنياتك,و يؤول غرامي لزهرة تنبت من رماد غرورك أنت لا تستحق أن يحبك أحد.. يكفيك حبك لذاتك, لا تحتاج لعرش قلب تعتليه .. لديك عرش نفسك..فهم بوجهك في مرآتك أيها النرجسي.
ما تدعوه أنت حب اسميه أنا استعباد, أصنفه جريمة.
فيا أيها الطاووسي المشاعر..
في لعبتك المجنونة أنت تخسر ,فمن راهنت على بقائها في نير هواك نزعت عن عمرها ربقة حبك, أطلقت أحلامها من سجن إرضائك.انه أقسى مما احتمل أن يتحول أجمل إحساس عايشته إلي تحفة في خزانة مقتنياتك,و يؤول غرامي لزهرة تنبت من رماد غرورك أنت لا تستحق أن يحبك أحد.. يكفيك حبك لذاتك, لا تحتاج لعرش قلب تعتليه .. لديك عرش نفسك..فهم بوجهك في مرآتك أيها النرجسي.
محاولة أخيرة (من كلماتي)

سأحاول.. لمرة واحدة, أخيرة..
أن أحيا دونك.
أن أجرب كيف ستمضي أيامي إذا انفرطت من بين يديك, وماذا سيحدث لي لو سرت يوما تحت المطر دون أن يغطيني معطفك, أو أضجعت ليلة بغير أن أتوسد ذراعك وتغفو أحلامي علي صدرك.
وهل ـ إذا ما تركت كفك ـ تراني سأجد طريق داري , أو أستطيع عبور الدرب وحدي ؟
أريد أن اعرف كيف يكون إحساسي لو انحلت الخيوط التي تربط قلبي بقلبك , وحياتي بحياتك, ووجودي بوجودك.
لمرة واحدة , أخيرة…. أحاول.
بعدما باءت صراعاتي السابقة بالهزيمة .. وعدت يسوقني الحنين إليك, و يجرجرني الاشتياق ليلقي بي في أحضانك ,لتتسلم مجددا زمام أمري.فاعترف بيني وبين نفسي أني اضعف من تنفيذ قرار البعد , وأنني لا أقوى على احتمال ألم الانفصال عنك وقد أصبحت بين الروح والدم.
هذا العشق ألغى الخطوط الفاصلة بيني وبينك, فأصبحت امتداد لك, يأتمر بأمرك, يصدع لإرادتك .. كيدك .. كأصابعك. كيف يمكن في حالة كهذه أن أنقذ نفسي من ديكتاتورية وجودك؟
وبأي طريقة أستطيع مقاومة طغيان أفكارك؟
جربت مرارا التمرد عليك, والعناد مع رغباتك. حرضت قلبي على رفض الإذعان لولهه المجنون بك.. أزكيت بداخلي نيران الثورة على خنوعي لك ,
حاولت .. حاولت كثيرا أن أمارس ولو قدرا ضئيلا من الاحتجاج والتحدي لإرادتك. لكني كنت دائما افشل.
الآن أنا مضطرة لخوض هذه المعركة .. معركة ليست معك, وإنما مع نفسي, علني اقدر على كسر الحلقة المغلقة حولي, فاخرج من نطاق جاذبيتك.. وأجد ذاتي التي تصل لحد انعدام الوزن أمام حضورك الطاغي.
أنا لست رافضة حبي لك, أنا أرفض أن أحبك لحد الضياع فيك, والاستحالة لظلال خافتة تتبعك..
أن أحيا دونك.
أن أجرب كيف ستمضي أيامي إذا انفرطت من بين يديك, وماذا سيحدث لي لو سرت يوما تحت المطر دون أن يغطيني معطفك, أو أضجعت ليلة بغير أن أتوسد ذراعك وتغفو أحلامي علي صدرك.
وهل ـ إذا ما تركت كفك ـ تراني سأجد طريق داري , أو أستطيع عبور الدرب وحدي ؟
أريد أن اعرف كيف يكون إحساسي لو انحلت الخيوط التي تربط قلبي بقلبك , وحياتي بحياتك, ووجودي بوجودك.
لمرة واحدة , أخيرة…. أحاول.
بعدما باءت صراعاتي السابقة بالهزيمة .. وعدت يسوقني الحنين إليك, و يجرجرني الاشتياق ليلقي بي في أحضانك ,لتتسلم مجددا زمام أمري.فاعترف بيني وبين نفسي أني اضعف من تنفيذ قرار البعد , وأنني لا أقوى على احتمال ألم الانفصال عنك وقد أصبحت بين الروح والدم.
هذا العشق ألغى الخطوط الفاصلة بيني وبينك, فأصبحت امتداد لك, يأتمر بأمرك, يصدع لإرادتك .. كيدك .. كأصابعك. كيف يمكن في حالة كهذه أن أنقذ نفسي من ديكتاتورية وجودك؟
وبأي طريقة أستطيع مقاومة طغيان أفكارك؟
جربت مرارا التمرد عليك, والعناد مع رغباتك. حرضت قلبي على رفض الإذعان لولهه المجنون بك.. أزكيت بداخلي نيران الثورة على خنوعي لك ,
حاولت .. حاولت كثيرا أن أمارس ولو قدرا ضئيلا من الاحتجاج والتحدي لإرادتك. لكني كنت دائما افشل.
الآن أنا مضطرة لخوض هذه المعركة .. معركة ليست معك, وإنما مع نفسي, علني اقدر على كسر الحلقة المغلقة حولي, فاخرج من نطاق جاذبيتك.. وأجد ذاتي التي تصل لحد انعدام الوزن أمام حضورك الطاغي.
أنا لست رافضة حبي لك, أنا أرفض أن أحبك لحد الضياع فيك, والاستحالة لظلال خافتة تتبعك..
أريد أن احبك وأنا حرة قوية ...أملك ذاتي..لا مجرد كوكب يدور في فلكك
كل ما أتمناه لهذا العشق ان يبقي اختياري الحر .. وأن تظل العودة اليك قرار وليس فعل لا ارادي
من أجل هذا ..أنا في حاجة لمحاولة ابتعاد اخيرة
فقط لازداد من نفسي اقترابا.
كالأمواج (من كلماتي)

كالأمواج تأتين ..
بارتواء الشوق, بانطفاء اضطرام اللهفة , ببراء حرقة الروح و جوى التياعها.. تهلين كميلاد بدر في ليلة ظلمة, كنغم السواقي في الحقول الظمأى, وخرير الجداول وموسيقى الينابيع فوق جبال تجلدها سياط الشمس..
مثل شلال ضوء معطر تذوبين أوجاع النوى بلمسة باردة على الرمال المتقدة .بنسمة ندية تمس جمر لافح و جراح مثخنة.
على شطآني ترسين لجة من لجين وأريج والق لآلئ .. تلملمين شعرك اللامحدود المسافر مع امتداد البحر حتى الآفاق .. تسحبين ذراعين من الزبد الفضي, ويلمع كتفان كنصفي قمر يشقان صفحة الماء المتراقصة. تتركين لليم بعضا من عمق عينيك , ويترك على جسدك الوضاء ادمعه تتساقط ماسا ولؤلؤا وبراعم زهر.
تحت قدميك يندهش الشط .. كيف لانهمار النجوم أن يخمد احتدام النار؟
وكيف لظلك المياس أن يتخذ في كل لحظة شكلا جديدا مبهرا.. فهو غصن مثقلا بوروده , يتأود منتشيا برونقه وبهاء سحره, وهو غزال يتهادى مفتونا برشاقته ورهافة قده, وهو طاووس يسير بخيلاء ملكا في موكب تتويجه.
تميلين بوجهك نحو السماء وكأنك تستقبلين إلهامك.ترفعين ذراعين كأعناق البجع, وتندس أصابعك شموع صغيرة بيضاء بين غدائر الشعر الممشوق الظلال.. شعر غيور يحتضن جسدك باشتهاء وتملك.. يخفيه وكأنه يحميه حتى من عيونك.
فيغدو خيالك فوق رمالي رسوما بالفحم لطير في لحظة إقلاع , لزهرة توشك أن تنفلت من أكمامها وتحرر فراشة, ومهر مختال يرفع للعنان رأسه ويصهل.
بعبير البحر.. بوله المسافات, بوجد الرحيل وحنين السفر..تنسابين إلى,تقتربين..تنطلق في إثرك السحائب, تتبعك النوارس, وتسترق شذاك النسائم تحملها كهمس الحوريات , تمور الصخور تحت وقع خطاك وتتسابق الرمال الشبقة محمومة لاحتواء قدميك وتسلق ساقين هما جدولان من بريق قمري.
بارتواء الشوق, بانطفاء اضطرام اللهفة , ببراء حرقة الروح و جوى التياعها.. تهلين كميلاد بدر في ليلة ظلمة, كنغم السواقي في الحقول الظمأى, وخرير الجداول وموسيقى الينابيع فوق جبال تجلدها سياط الشمس..
مثل شلال ضوء معطر تذوبين أوجاع النوى بلمسة باردة على الرمال المتقدة .بنسمة ندية تمس جمر لافح و جراح مثخنة.
على شطآني ترسين لجة من لجين وأريج والق لآلئ .. تلملمين شعرك اللامحدود المسافر مع امتداد البحر حتى الآفاق .. تسحبين ذراعين من الزبد الفضي, ويلمع كتفان كنصفي قمر يشقان صفحة الماء المتراقصة. تتركين لليم بعضا من عمق عينيك , ويترك على جسدك الوضاء ادمعه تتساقط ماسا ولؤلؤا وبراعم زهر.
تحت قدميك يندهش الشط .. كيف لانهمار النجوم أن يخمد احتدام النار؟
وكيف لظلك المياس أن يتخذ في كل لحظة شكلا جديدا مبهرا.. فهو غصن مثقلا بوروده , يتأود منتشيا برونقه وبهاء سحره, وهو غزال يتهادى مفتونا برشاقته ورهافة قده, وهو طاووس يسير بخيلاء ملكا في موكب تتويجه.
تميلين بوجهك نحو السماء وكأنك تستقبلين إلهامك.ترفعين ذراعين كأعناق البجع, وتندس أصابعك شموع صغيرة بيضاء بين غدائر الشعر الممشوق الظلال.. شعر غيور يحتضن جسدك باشتهاء وتملك.. يخفيه وكأنه يحميه حتى من عيونك.
فيغدو خيالك فوق رمالي رسوما بالفحم لطير في لحظة إقلاع , لزهرة توشك أن تنفلت من أكمامها وتحرر فراشة, ومهر مختال يرفع للعنان رأسه ويصهل.
بعبير البحر.. بوله المسافات, بوجد الرحيل وحنين السفر..تنسابين إلى,تقتربين..تنطلق في إثرك السحائب, تتبعك النوارس, وتسترق شذاك النسائم تحملها كهمس الحوريات , تمور الصخور تحت وقع خطاك وتتسابق الرمال الشبقة محمومة لاحتواء قدميك وتسلق ساقين هما جدولان من بريق قمري.
تمضين فتصرع الرمال الولهى وتتناثر في دربك قتلى بغير دية بغير قصاص.. تأتين فتصرعين غضبي عليك بسلام أسكره الدلال أنا المنتظر الدائم على صخر الموعد ,والشاطئ الذي يحيي برجاء إيابك , تقبلين جبيني فتتفتت ثورتي كقصور رمل يمسها الموج فتخر ذائبة ..تحتوينني وكأنني أنا المسافر وأنت الوطن
عندما تغلق السعادة باباً ينفتح باب آخر .. ولكننا ننظر طويلاً إلى الباب المغلق وننسى أن باباً آخر قد إنفتح ..
الأحد، 23 نوفمبر 2008
My best Movie Recommendations
- Only You - PG
Destiny. Faith (Marisa Tomei) believes that two soul-mates can be united if they find each other. From the Ouija board, she has found the name of her missing half, and it is D-A-M-O-N B-R-A-D-L-E-Y. Later, at the carnival, the fortune teller sees the name Damon Bradley in the Crystal Ball and Faith is convinced. She is told that "You make your own destiny,...don't wait for it to come to you", but she is looking for Damon. 14 years later, she is engaged to a dull podiatrist and plans to marry until she gets a call from one of his classmates who is on his way to Venice, Italy. The classmate is Damon Bradley. Rushing to the airport to see her soul-mate, she misses him and the plane, but decides, then and there, to go after him. So Faith and her sister-in-law Kate both board the next plane for Italy hoping to find her Damon - One Fine Day - PG
Melanie Parker, an architect and mother of Sammy, and Jack Taylor, a newspaper columnist and father of Maggie, are both divorced. They meet one morning when overwhelmed Jack is left unexpectedly with Maggie and forgets that Melanie was to take her to school. As a result, both children miss their school field trip and are stuck with the parents. The two adults project their negative stereotypes of ex-spouses on each other, but end up needing to rely on each other to watch the children as each must save his job. Humor is added by Sammy's propensity for lodging objects in his nose and Maggie's tendency to wander - Gone With the Wind (1939)
Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks. There is a new man there that day, the day the Civil War begins. Rhett Butler. Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie. - Jerry Maguire (1996, R)
Jerry Maguire used to be a typical sports agent: willing to do just about anything he could to get the biggest possible contracts for his clients, plus a nice commission for himself. Then, one day, he suddenly has second thoughts about what he's really doing. When he voices these doubts, he ends up losing his job and all of his clients, save Rod Tidwell, an egomaniacal football player. Can Jerry resurrect his career while still staying true to himself? - Sleepless in Seattle (1993, PG)
After his wife died, Sam Baldwin did not think about other women. His 8-year old son Jonah thinks that his father needs a woman in order to get his life back in order and calls in on a nation-wide radio-show. The voice and story of Sam is heard by hundreds of women, including Annie Reed, who is about to marry her fiancé Walter soon. She can't find a rest until she really knows for sure that Sam Baldwin is not the one person for her. Thus, Annie travels to Seattle, where Sam and Jonah live, and there decides that Sam is not the one. The letter she never sent was posted by a friend of Annie, and therefore Jonah, who feels that she's the one for his dad, already booked a flight to New York in order to meet her on the roof of the Empire State building, just like in "An Affair to Remember". Of course, his father follows him instantly... - Titanic (1996, PG-13)
- Serendipity (2001, PG-13)
Jonathan Trager and Sara Thomas met while shopping for gloves in New York. Though buying for their respective lovers, the magic was right and a night of Christmas shopping turned into romance. Jon wanted to explore things further but Sara wasn't sure their love was meant to be. They decided to test fate by splitting up and seeing if destiny brought them back together... Many years later, having lost each other that night, both are engaged to be married. Still, neither can shake the need to give fate one last chance to reunite them. Jon enlists the help of his best man to track down the girl he can't forget starting at the store where they met. Sara asks her new age musician fiance for a break before the wedding and, with her best friend in tow, flies from California to New York hoping destiny will bring her soulmate back. Near-misses and classic Shakespearean confusion bring the two close to meeting a number of times but fate will have the final word on whether it was meant to be. - A Walk in the Clouds
After returning from the war, Paul and a young woman meet on a bus as she's headed home from college to help with the grape harvest and face her Old World domineering dad. The woman has not married but is pregnant and she thinks her father is going to kill her. Paul proposes to pose as her husband to help her face her father. When their passion for each other is finally ignited and explodes, they realize they must overcome all odds to be together - The Saint (1997, PG-13)
Simon Templar has no real family, no real home and Simon Templar isn't even his real name. Yet Simon Templar , also known as the Saint for his use of creating false identities using the names of Catholic saints,is one of the world's most successful thieves. Slick, debonair and a master of disguise, Simon manages to outwit the police again and again. On his next job Simon is hired by the Russian Mafia to steal a cold fusion energy formula from scientist Emma Russel, however the mission backfires as he falls for the pretty, intelligent scientist. Simon and his new love must now manage to outwit the Russian Mafia and work out the energy formula before the worst happens and the US is affected forever - Bed of Roses (1995, PG)
a young career girl (Mary Stuart Masterson) who is swept off her feet by a shy florist (Christian Slater), who fell in love with her after one glimpse through a shadowy window - The Mirror Has Two Faces
Rose and Gregory, both Columbia University professors meet when Rose's sister answers Gregory's "personals" ad. Several times burned, the handsome-but-boring Gregory believes that sex has ruined his life, and has deliberately set out to find and marry a woman with absolutely no sex appeal. Greg thinks he's found what he's looking for in Rose, a plain, plump English Lit professor who can't compete with her gorgeous mother and sister. More out of mutual admiration and respect than love, Greg and Rose marry. Greg assumes that Rose understands that he is not interested in a sexual relationship. He's mistaken, and their marriage is nearly destroyed when Rose tries to consummate their relationship. While Gregory is out of the country on a lecture tour, Rose diets and exercises to transform herself into a sexy siren in a last-ditch attempt to save her marriage - The dead girl
When the middle-aged Arden finds the dead body of a young woman dumped in her property in the rural area in Los Angeles, she calls the police and becomes famous in the local town. While shopping in the supermarket, Arden meets the employee Rudy that invites her for a date. Arden accepts the invitation of the stranger and faces her dominating abusive mother and moving from her home to a new town. While preparing the body to the autopsy in the morgue, the depressive coroner Leah believes she is her sister missing for fifteen years, and she accepts for the first time the invitation for a party in the house of her colleague Derek. She changes her behavior and attitude; however, when she discovers that the girl is actually called Krista, she tries to convince her mother Beverly to accept that her sister is dead. Meanwhile, an old woman finds evidences in the storage where her husband works that he may be a serial killer. The mother of Krista, Melora, goes to the precinct and snoops on the documentation the last address of her daughter. She visits the place and meets the roommate of Krista, the prostitute Rosetta, and discovers that she has a three year-old granddaughter, Ashley. Last but not the least, the last day of Krista is disclosed including the identity of her killer - Sabrina (1954
Sabrina is the young daughter of the Larrabee family's chauffeur who has been in love with David Larrabee for all her life. David is very spoiled and crazy for women, and has been totally ignoring Sabrina for years. When Sabrina goes to Paris for a few years, she returns a very attractive and sophisticated woman, and David is quickly drawn to her. David's brother Linus sees this and fears that David's imminent wedding with a very rich woman may be endangered. If the wedding is canceled, so will a great corporate deal with the bride's family. So, Linus tries to keep Sabrina off his brother, and the best way to do so is by charming her himself - Casablanca
During World War II, Europeans who were fleeing from the Germans, sought refuge in America. But to get there they would first have to go Casablanca and once they get there, they have to obtain exit visas which are not very easy to come by. Now the hottest spot in all of Casablanca is Rick's Cafe which is operated by Rick Blaine, an American expatriate, who for some reason can't return there, and he is also extremely cynical. Now it seems that two German couriers were killed and the documents they were carrying were taken. Now one of Rick's regulars, Ugarte entrusts to him some letters of transit, which he intends to sell but before he does he is arrested for killing the couriers. Captain Renault, the Chief of Police, who is neutral in his political views, informs Rick that Victor Laszlo, the European Resistance leader, is in Casablanca and will do anything to get an exit visa but Renault has been "told" by Major Strasser of the Gestapo, to keep Laszlo in Casablanca. Laszlo goes to Rick's to meet Ugarte, because he was the one Ugarte was going to sell the letters to. But since Ugarte was arrested he has to find another way. Accompanying him is Ilsa Lund, who knew Rick when he was in Paris, and when they meet some of Rick's old wounds reopen. It is obvious that Rick's stone heart was because of her leaving him. And when they learn that Rick has the letters, he refuses to give them to him, because "he doesn't stick his neck out for anyone" - Forever Young
- Beauty and the Beast (1991, G)
Prince Adam was cursed to a beast form by Enchantress who saw no love in his arrogant heart for others. The one way he could break the spell was to learn to love another and earn her love in return before the last petal from his enchanted rose fell, which would bloom until his twenty-first birthday. But who could ever learn to love a beast? Ten years later, Maurice, an inventor from a nearby village, becomes lost in the woods and seeks shelter in the Beast's castle, the Beast imprisons him for trespassing. His daughter Belle, a bookworm who dreams of life outside her provincial village, finds him trapped in the castle and offers her place in his stead. The Beast accepts with a promise she'll remain in the castle forever. In the beginning Belle views him as nothing more than a monster, he views her as difficult and stubborn. But the two soon taste the bitter-sweetness of finding you can change and learning you were wrong - First Knight (1995, PG-13)
Lancelot lives by the sword. In fact, they're next door neighbours, so teaming up to fight for money comes pretty naturally. Lady Guinevere, on her way to marry King Arthur is ambushed by the evil Sir Malagant. Fortunately Lancelot is lurking nearby and he rescues his future queen. They fall in love, but Guinevere still fancies the idea of wearing a crown, so she honours her promise to Arthur. Can Lady Guinevere remain faithful, or will this Pretty Woman become a lady of the knight? - At First Sight
Amy is an architect who works for perfection. She takes a vacation at a small town health spa where she meets Virgil, a blind masseur. She falls in love with him for the senses he loves that she takes for granted. They listen to the rain, they make love, and then she does research on restoring sight he hasn't had since he was one year old. He joins her in New York and undergoes the treatment only to find that seeing doesn't mean comprehending what one sees. The difficult road to understanding the visual world tests their relationship. The strain is taken to the limits when Virgil begins to lose his sight once again - Pillow Talk
- Pay It Forward (2000, PG-13)
A school social studies assignment leads to social changes that spread from city-to-city. Assigned to come up with some idea that will improve mankind, a young boy (Haley Joel Osment) decides that if he can do three good deeds for someone and they in turn can "pay it forward" and so forth, positive changes can occur. What appears to initially be a failure, is indeed a success that is not immediately known but is traced backwards by a reporter who is a benefactor. The initial recipients of the boy are a drug addict (James Cavaziel), his badly scarred school teacher (Kevin Spacey), and a classmate who is constantly bullied by his peers. While physically and mentally scarred by past events, the teacher is not the only one bearing scars. The young boy fears his mother's fate, particularly at his brutal, alcoholic father's (Jon Bon Jovi) hands. The mother also bears scars from her childhood with a homeless, alcoholic mother (Angie Dickinson). - Green Card
George Faure is a Frenchman who has been offered a job in the U.S. But in order to get the job he must obtain a work permit - green card, and the easiest way is to marry an American. Bronte Parrish is a New Yorker who is a keen horticulturist and just found the perfect flat with its own greenhouse. Unfortunately the flat is for married couples only. A marriage of convenience seems the ideal solution to both problems. To convince the immigration officers they are married for love, they must move in with each other. As the mismatched couple attempt to cope with life together, they start to fall in love - Sweet November (2001, PG-13)
She Just Needed A Month To Change His Life For Ever. - Up Close and Personnel
This is a telling of the Jessica Savitch story, the newswoman who, in the 1970's, became the "First Woman Anchor". Sally/Tally is taken under the wing of Warren in a Miami newsroom and becomes a news star on TV. Despite her love for Warren, she takes the big chance and moves on to Philadelphia, where he follows to rescue her faltering career at the cost of his own - as she rises he falls - 27 dresses
Two things about Jane: she's never says no to her friends (she's been a bridesmaid 27 times and selflessly plans friends' weddings), and she's in love with her boss, George, nurturing dreams of a lovely, romantic wedding of her own. She meets Kevin, a cynical writer who finds her attractive, and that same week, her younger, flirtatious sister Tess comes to town. Jane silently watches George fall for Tess, a manipulative pretender. Worse, Jane may be called upon to plan their wedding. Meanwhile, Kevin tries to get Jane's attention and has an idea that may advance his career. Can Jane uncork her feelings? Then what? - Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
In Vienna about 1900, the decadent pianist and wolf Stefan Brand is challenged for a duel by a deceived husband. He arrives in his apartment and tells his dumb butler John that he intends to leave Vienna to avoid the scheduled duel, and John delivers a letter from an unknown woman to him. He reads the letter written by his former neighbor Lisa Berndle where she tells that she was a teenager when she develops a platonic love for Stefan, who is a promising pianist compared to Mozart. Lisa worships his performances on the piano, but she moves with her family to Linz. Later she returns to Vienna as an independent young woman, having a brief affair with Stefan, who travels to Milano promising to return in two weeks. Stefan never returns and Lisa raises their son in secret. Years later, she meets him again at the opera and her passion arises again, believing that Stefan remembers her. She leaves her husband to stay with Stefan, but her doomed love has a tragic end - Blink (1994)
Twenty years ago, 8-year-old Emma Brody's abusive mother smashed Emma's face into a bathroom mirror just for pilfering in the mother's makeup drawer. Today, Emma is an independent, self-assured woman who plays violin in a popular Celtic folk band in Chicago. Emma lives life on her own terms, only without sight -- the result of the traumatic injuries to her eyes at the hands of her mother. Luckily for Emma, medical science has vaulted a quantum leap in the past two decades. Now, thanks to corneal implants installed by her kindly eye surgeon, Dr. Ryan Pierce, Emma can see again. Emma's sight is at first cloudy, and she suffers from "retroactive hallucinations," a clinically documented syndrome in which the newly sighted sometimes "see" things hours, or even days, after they actually happen. This becomes a big problem when Emma sees a suspicious man leaving her neighbor's apartment at 4AM, but his features appear to her only in flashback later that morning. After failing to get a response at the neighbor's door, Emma tries to convince detective John Hallstrom and his partner Tom Ridgely to check things out. At first, Hallstrom dismisses Emma as a nutcase, but when the cops finally arrive on the scene, they find the guy murdered, using the same MO as a series of killings that Hallstrom and Ridgely are already investigating. Emma herself is in danger, because she's the only person who can identify the killer. Hallstrom's colleagues remain doubtful because Emma's vision flawed. When the killer begins to stalk Emma, Hallstrom has her placed under police protection, and the two soon become lovers while Hallstrom tries to figure out who the killer is - Borrowed Hearts (1997)
Kathleen's a hard-working single mother, who's saving to buy a house for herself and her daughter, Zoe. Sam's a businessman who has to pretend he has a family in order to close a deal with the mysterious Javier Del Campo. Sam owns the company that Kathleen works for, and as her boss, manages to convince her to help him out. But Del Campo is more than he seems, and it just might be Zoe who's making the real deal to get a new home for herself, her mother, and Sam. - 50 First Dates (2004, PG-13)
- Anastasia (1956, Unrated)
Russian exiles in Paris plot to collect ten million pounds from the Bank of England by grooming a destitute, suicidal girl to pose as heir to the Russian throne. While Bounin is coaching her he comes to believe she is really Anastasia. In the end the Empress must decide her claim - August Rush (2007, PG)
This is a story of a music prodigy. Lyla is a renowned and beautiful cellist and Louis is a bass player in club. Lyla and Louis falls in love once they meet each other following the music. Since they have different life, they have to separate without seeing each other once again. However, Lyla has had their baby-Evan, a prodigy born to music. Lyla has an accident and bears the baby but Lyla's father gives the baby to an orphanage but does not tell her this in case of affecting her career. After that, both Louis and Lyla give up the music career. Eleven years later, the poor little Evan believes that their parents are waiting for him and goes to New York to find his parents. In New York, his music gift leads him to success but also gives him some trouble. A monger uses Evan to make money and prevents him from success. He escapes and runs into a church and people there are surprised by his gift and send him to the best music school, Juilliard. In the Juilliard school, he receive the normal education but his genius makes him brilliant and created his composition--August Rhapsody in C major. At the same time, Lyla and Louis both begin to play music again and Louis has been in New York. Because of his perfect performance, Evan is granted an opportunity to play his music in the central park in front of thousands of people. There are totally three composers and he is feathered last, in fact, his mother is the second one. As Evan is directing the orchestra to play his rhapsody, Lyla and Louis come to the concert following the music again. The family get together finally - Before Sunrise
American tourist Jesse and French student Celine meet by chance on the train from Budapest to Vienna. Sensing that they are developing a connection, Jesse asks Celine to spend the day with him in Vienna, and she agrees. Passing the time before his scheduled flight the next morning. the two embark on a spiritual and emotional odyssey. Bonding through the act of conversation, Jesse and Celine discover each other's true essence - their hopes and dreams, their passions and peeves, and their wants and needs. How do two perfect strangers connect so intimately over the course of a single day? What is that special thing that bonds two people so strongly? As their bond turns to love, what will happen to them the next morning when Jesse flies away? This is a lovely movie proving that two people can learn more in a day of introspection and bonding than most people learn in a lifetime. The key is honesty. Absolutely beautiful - Bravhaert
The movie begins in the small town of Elderslie, Scotland. William lives with his father, Malcolm and elder brother John. William's father and brother are called to a meeting a few miles from their home where they find the entire nobility of Scotland hanging. Malcolm and John then go to a battle between the English and their clan, both die tragically. At the funeral William meets his uncle Argyle who fought in the battle with Malcolm and his father. He takes him away to live with him. The scene then cuts to an adult William on his horse. William later runs into a girl he knew before he went to live with Argyle, her name, Murron, we discover that Lords have the right to sleep with brides on their wedding night, so William marries Murron in secret. Murron is the assaulted by a English guard, the guard is killed by William, a fight ensues, and eventually Murron is killed by the lord. This enrages Wallace who then build himself a fine army entering city's and killing all Englishman within. Wallace prepares to move on to Stirling where he prepared for his greatest battle yet, in the forest he realizes that he must find a way to beat the heavy cavalry from the ground, he decided to create spears twice as long as men. These were used in the battle to kill the entire heavy cavalry raised at the last minute to kill the on coming horses. Eventually Wallace reaches York, the most important military city he gains control. Williams final battle at Falkirk ends in his betrayal by two nobles, whom he later kills. William is betrayed by the leper father of Robert the Bruce, is captured and refuses to bow down as a loyal subject of the king Edward I, Longshanks. Therefore, instead of mere beheading William Wallace is subject to being Hung, hung within an inch of death. Drawn, being stretched by his ankles and wrists and then having his insides shown to him before he died. Then Quartered, he was beheaded and his head was put on the London Bridge his body was torn into for pieces one sent to each corner of Britain as a warning to the citizens. After Wallace's death we see Robert the Bruce led the battle of Bannockburn the last battle for Scotland's freedom. [Editors note] Original writing by poster stated that Wallace went against "The British". This is factually incorrect as the term "British" refers to the people of the Island Britain. Scotland is the northern half of Britain with England and Wales sharing the lower half. I have changed this accordingly to reflect that Wallace and Scotland were at war with England or more factually correct, the English crown. - Only Love (1998)
Told in flashback, a successful neurosurgeon (Rob Morrow) is unexpectedly called upon to treat his former fiancee (Mathilda May) who is dying from a brain tumor. The film then flashes back 15 years to when the couple first met as physicians on an African expedition. Based on the 1997 novel by Erich Segal - Bride & Preguidce
- Dying Young (1991, R)
After she discovers that her boyfriend has betrayed her, Hilary O'Neil is looking for a new start and a new job. She begins to work as a private nurse for a young man suffering from blood cancer. Slowly, they fall in love, but they always know their love cannot last because he is destined to die - Forrest Gump (1994, PG-13)
Forrest, Forrest Gump is a simple man with little brain activity but good intentions. He struggles through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny. His 'mama' teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny. Forrest joins the army for service in Vietnam, finding new friends called Dan and Bubba, he wins medals, starts a table tennis craze, creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet, inspires people to jog, create the smiley, write bumper stickers and songs, donating to people and meeting the president several times. However this is all irrelevant to Forrest who can only think of his childhood sweetheart Jenny. Who has messed up her life. Although in the end all he wants to prove is that anyone can love anyone - Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992, R)
- Good luck Chake
In order to keep the woman of his dreams from falling for another guy, Charlie Logan has to break the curse that has made him wildly popular with single women: Sleep with Charlie once, and the next man you meet will be your true love - Griffin & Phoenix
Griffin is divorced, living in a flat in Manhattan while his sons and ex live in the family home in Westchester. He gets bad news from his oncologist: cancerous lesions have spread through his chest, and he has only a year or so to live. He audits a psychology class on death and dying at a nearby college where he chats up a woman who turns out to be an assistant dean. She's Phoenix; she smiles but keeps her distance, warming to him slowly. He tells her nothing of his situation. At his apartment a few days later, she finds a stash of books on death, dying, and terminal illness: will she put two and two together, and what will she do about it? - If only
After his impetuous musician girlfriend, Samantha, dies in an accident shortly after they had a fight (and nearly broke up), a grief-stricken British businessman, Ian Wyndham, living in London gets a chance to relive the day all over again, in the hope of changing the events that led up to her getting killed - Jane Eyre (1944
Small, plain and poor, Jane Eyre comes to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester. Denied love all her life, Jane can't help but be attracted to the intelligent, vibrant, energetic Mr. Rochester, a man twice her age. But just when Mr. Rochester seems to be returning the attention, he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram and her party to stay at his estate. Meanwhile, the secret of Thornfield Hall could ruin all their chances for happiness - Just like heaven
Elizabeth Masterson, a dedicated doctor in San Francisco, had almost no time for anything. When her sister with two kids set her up on a date, she gets into a tragic car crash and gets in a coma. Meanwhile, an artist named David Abbott moves into San Francisco and coincidentally, into Elizabeth's apartment for rent. While at the apartment, Elizabeth's spirit haunts him. She doesn't remember who she is, who her family is, and what she did - All that she remembered was her apartment and where everything was. To settle the arguments, David agrees to figure out who Elizabeth really is. When they get close to figuring out who she is, they eventually find love in each other and as they finally know who she really is, they learn that fate really has put them both together - Kate and leopold
Kate and her actor brother live in N.Y. in the 21st Century. Her ex-boy friend, Stuart, lives above her apartment and finds this space near the Brooklyn Bridge where there is a gap in time. He goes back to the eighteen hundreds and takes pictures of the place. Leopold, a man living in the 1870's, was puzzled by Stuart's tiny camera and decides to follow him and they both ended up in this century. Leopold is clueless about his new surroundings. He gets help and insights from Charlie who thinks that Leopold is an actor who is always in character. Leopold is a highly intelligent man and tries his best to learn and even improve the modern conveniences that he encounters - Keeping the Faith - PG-13
A love triangle between three friends. Rabbi Jake Schram and Father Brian Finn, two friends, are out to update their religions and draw in more worshipers. With the arrival of Anna Reilly, an old childhood friend of the two, the men's lives are thrown a curve ball. Anna has become a stunning beauty with a lot of spunk and ambition, and both of them want her. A major road block to Anna for both men is their religion. Jake is up for a head position at his synagogue and taking on a non-Jewish partner is frowned upon, besides the fact that his mother disowned his brother for marrying a non-Jewish woman. Brian has given a vow of celibacy to become a priest - Legends of the Fall (1994, R)
Colonel Wlliam Ludlow and his three sons (Samuel, Tristan and Alfred) live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, USA, at the beginning of the 20th century. When Samuel brings with him his fiancé Susanna, the fellowship of the 3 brothers is about to be broken. The eldest son, Alfred, falls in love with Susanna, and she falls in love with Tristan. Thing becomes worse when the three brothers decide to join the first World War in Europe in 1914, despite their father's objection. The bond of the brothers is about to be broken forever, and so is Colonel William's heart - Memoirs of a Geisha (2005, PG-13)
A young nine year old girl, Chiyo, lives in a rather poor fishing village, Yoroido, on Japan's coast. Along with her older sister, Satsu, she is sent to the geisha (Japanese for artisan) district called Gion. Split from the only family she has left Chiyo is sent to the Nitta Okiya while her sister is transported else where and becomes less of a role. And Okiya is a house (sort of a compound) where a geisha lives and is taken care of. Here at the Nitta Okiya Chiyo meets another girl about her age nicknamed Pumpkin. Together Pumpkin and Chiyo struggle through the daily life of being treated as nothing more than slaves to the resident geisha, Hatsumomo. Hatsumomo, the story's resident villain, tries her hardest to make Chiyo's life as miserable as possible. On one particular occasion Chiyo feeling so depressed collapses on a bridge in tears over her life's woes. Much to her surprise a high society passer by stops to question why she is so sad. Here little Chiyo meets The Chairman for the first time. He shows her kindness in a world which has been naught but cruel to her and from that point on Chiyo makes it her goal to break free from the social class she was born into and become a geisha worthy of The Chairman. After much work and hardship Chiyo is allowed to attend school where young girls are taught all the important practices associated with the life of a geisha. She learns tea ceremony, how to play the shamisen (like a little banjo or acoustic guitar), as well as quite possibly the most important act, how to dance. The word geisha in Japanese is derived from a term referring to art so a geisha is like an artisan, or an artist. After some more altercations with Hatsumomo, Chiyo is taken under the wing of one of Gion's most popular geisha, Mameha. Mameha also happens to be Hatsumomo's arch-rival as a geisha. Mameha takes a long time to introduce Chiyo as her apprentice however once she does she is already blessed with fame for being associated with someone of Mameha's class. Here is the part of the story where Chiyo's name changes to Sayuri (her geisha name). Mameha introduces Sayuri is many numerous figures in Gion life and it come to a point where men are fighting for the highest bid on Sayuri's mizuage. All this time Sayuri is struggling with the common life lessons learned when one is growing up into a young woman. It is very much a coming of age story. Through all trials of adversity Sayuri faces her one goal is always to see The Chairman again. Finally the day comes when she is invited, along with Mameha, to a party at a teahouse at which The Chairman is attending. For the next couple of weeks she attends multiple parties which the chairman attend all the while seemingly coming closer to achieving her goal. Tension has been growing concerning World War II and the society in Gion is beginning to feel the effects of war. Rations are set up and many part of the giesha district have begun to close. Geisha are fleeing to other parts of the country hoping to avoid getting caught in an attack. Sayuri and all of her friends are split apart until after the war and once everyone returns to Gion it is realized the effects of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All geisha who fled to these cities obviously died and it is a loss greatly felt by the community. Sayuri desperately attempts to attain the love of the Chairman and the climax of the story is whether or not she does meet her goal - My best friend's wedding
After Michael tells his best friend, Julianne that he is getting married in four days, she goes straight to Chicago to help him get through. But she has every intention to stop the wedding and steal the groom from Kimberly. Over the next three days, she tries everything to split them up. Finally, on the day of the wedding, Jules tells Mike she loves him and kisses him, but to her disadvantage, Kimmy is watching them. Now Michael has to decide whom he loves most - One True Love (2000)
Dana Boyer (Farrell), a dog kennel owner, and Kevin Grant (Hasselhoff), a fireman, are passionate, fun-loving adults who meet when Kevin rescues Dana from a burning car. Both are struck by the overwhelming feeling that they have just met their soul mate, but unfortunately neither learns the other's name. To complicate matters, both are engaged to other people. When they try to locate one another their efforts are wrought with obstacles. However, fate is on their side when unbeknownst to each other, they both employ the same 10 year-old foster child who is working double time in order to finance a trip to find his mother. When he discovers that his two bosses are pining for one another, he works to bring them together - French Kiss - PG-13
Kate and Charlie have a perfect life planned out before them: buying a house, marriage, kids, the whole works. Kate's fear of flying keeps her in Canada while Charlie goes to Paris for a medical convention. While there Charlie is smitten by the lovely Juliette. He calls off the wedding with Kate and she nervously boards a plane to get him back. She ends up sitting next to the petty French thief Luc Teyssier. He hides a stolen necklace and smuggled grape vine in her bag to get it through customs. Her bag is stolen, the necklace apparently lost, and Kate and Luc head to Cannes -- Luc to find the necklace and Kate get Charlie back. Along the way, Kate and Luc begin having feelings for each other -- which change the course of their lives - My life without me
Ann, 23 years old, lives a modest life with her two kids and her husband in a trailer in her mother's garden. Her life takes a dramatic turn, when her doctor tells her that she has uterine cancer and only two months to live. She compiles a list of things to do before she dies, arranges her family life and falls in love to a lonely man she met in a laundromat - Orignal sin
Can love release our true self? A wealthy Cuban coffee exporter, Luis Vargas, advertises for a US wife; Julia Russell, from Delaware, sends her photograph, but the woman who steps off the ship is much lovelier. Luis marries her immediately and gives in to love. But Julia may not be who she claims: first a private eye shows up on behalf of Julia's sister, then the sister herself. By now, Luis has given has wife access to bank accounts, and when she runs with his cash, he pursues her, with the help of Downs, the P.I., perhaps to kill her. Pursuit may be part of a con game as well, and Julia's past explains some, if not all, of what remains of the story. A priest hears her confession - Pearl harbor
- Prime
In colorful, bustling modern-day Manhattan, Rafi Gardet, a beautiful 37-year-old photography producer reeling from a recent divorce, meets David Bloomberg, a handsome 23-year-old painter recently out of college. Rafi's therapist, Dr. Lisa Metzger, who is working to help Rafi overcome her fears of intimacy, finds out that Rafi's new lover is--unfortunately for Lisa--her only son, David. Both David and Rafi must contend with their 14-year age gap, vastly different backgrounds and the demands of David's traditional mother. Despite their intense attraction, the charmed couple soon realizes that vastly different ages and backgrounds create much conflict. A Jewish hip-hop lover and closet painter who still lives with his grandparents, David has little in common with Rafi--a non-practicing Catholic from a wealthy, broken family who travels in the sophisticated, high-end world of fashion - Undercover Angel (1999)
A writer with no focus in his work, becomes the unwilling babysitter of a precocious little girl who turns his life around. - Novel Romance (2006)
Max Normane is the kind of woman that some less creative individuals might refer to as a "Type A" personality. Her eye for the undiscovered literary gem is famous, and Max repreatedly demonstrates this ability in "URBANITY," the literary magazine she presides over. When Max meets Jake Benjamin, a struggling but talented writer whose previous attempts at getting published have been sabotaged by his own egocentric idiosyncracies and lousy attitude, Max offers him a mutually beneficial solution of Faustian proportions - his seed in exchange for publication. In other words, she'll give life to his child, if he gives life to hers. Despite Jake's shock and outrage at such blackmail, this bizarre opportunity for long-awaited literary succces is too good for the frustrated artist to pass up. As Jake reaches ever higher echelons of renown and Max's tightly organized world devolves into the mess of single parenthood, something truly horrific happens... they begin to fall agressively, angrily and absurdly in love - Mrs. Winterbourne (1996)
Connie Doyle is eighteen and pregnant her boyfriend has kicked her out. She accidentaly ends up on a train where she meets Hugh Winterbourne and his wife Patricia who is pregnant. The train wrecks and she wakes up in the hosptial to find out that it's been assumed that she's Patricia. Hugh's mother takes her in and she falls in love with Hugh's brother Bill. Just when she thinks everything is going her way, her ex-boyfriend shows up. - Eurotrip - R
- Howl's Moving Castle - PG
love story between an 18-year-old girl named Sofî, cursed by a witch into an old woman's body, and a magician named Hauru. Under the curse, Sofî sets out to seek her fortune, which takes her to Hauru's strange moving castle. In the castle, Sophie meets Hauru's fire demon, named Karishifâ. Seeing that she is under a curse, the demon makes a deal with Sophie--if she breaks the contract he is under with Hauru, then Karushifâ will lift the curse that Sophie is under, and she will return to her 18-year-old shape - It's a Boy Girl Thing - PG-13
The next door neighbors Nell Bedworth and Woody Deane have opposite behaviors and hate each other: the virgin geek Nell is polite, sensitive and well-prepared to go to Yale, while Woody is rude and his greatest expectation is to join a mediocre university due to his abilities playing football. When Nell and Woody are assigned to visit together a museum, they argue in front of the statue of an Aztec god. During the night, their souls swap bodies, bringing difficult situations to them. They first try to damage the reputation of the other in the high-school, but sooner they discover that their dream of joining college would only happen with mutual respect and support. - Roman holiday
- One Special Night (1999)
Builder Robert is visiting his ailing wife in a nursing home and is having problems getting a taxi home due to an intense snow storm. One of the doctors, Katherine offers him a lift home however their car gets stuck and they have to spend the night in an empty cabin nearby. They talk and bond, but afterwards seem to have difficulty beginning a relationship. - Some like it hot
Two struggling musicians witness the St. Valentine's Day Massacre and try to find a way out of the city before they are found and killed by the mob. The only job that will pay their way is an all girl band so the two dress up as women. In addition to hiding, each has his own problems; One falls for another band member but can't tell her his gender, and the other has a rich suitor who will not take "No," for an answer - Swept away
Amber (Madonna) is 40, beautiful, rich, spoiled, and arrogant beyond measure. Nothing makes this woman happy, including her wealthy but passive husband (Tony), a pharmaceutical kingpin. When Tony takes her on a private cruise from Greece to Italy, Amber is unimpressed at this impromptu no-frills vacation, and takes out her anger on the ship's first mate, Giuseppe (Adriano Giannini). When a storm leaves the two shipwrecked on a deserted island, however, the tables suddenly turn... - The appartment
C.C. Baxter, insurance clerk and only a face in a crowd of 30,000 employees, has a little problem: He can't use his own apartment. Since he once lent out his key to one of his superiors and his mistress, this custom has spread ever since. Now, different superiors from different departments take his place for their tête-à-têtes. Being promised not to be forgotten when it comes to shifts in personnel, C.C. Baxter swallows his anger - until he finds out that the mistress of Mr. Sheldrake, the company's boss, and his recent flame, Fran Kubelik, are the same person. And they are using his apartment! Although Baxter has not been forgotten personnel-wise, the attempted suicide of Fran in his very own bed makes him think - The bridges of Madicon country
The path of Francesca Johnson's future seems destined when an unexpected fork in the road causes her to question everything she had come to expect from life. While her husband and children are away at the Iowa state fair in the Summer of 1965, Robert Kincaid happens upon the Johnson farm and asks Francesca for directions to Rosamunde Bridge. He explains that he is on assignment from National Geographic magazine to photograph the bridges of Madison County. She agrees to show him to the bridges and thus begins the bittersweet and all-too-brief romance of her life. Through the pain of separation from her secret love and the stark isolation she feels as the details of her life consume her, she writes down the story of this four-day love affair in a 3-volume diary. The diary is found by her children among her possessions and alongside Robert Kincaid's possessions after Francesca is dead. The message they take from the diaries is one of hope that they will do what is necessary to find happiness in their lives -- whatever is necessary. After learning that Robert Kincaid's cremated remains were scattered off Rosamunde Bridge and that their mother requested a similar disposition for her own ashes, the children must decide whether to honor their mother's final wishes or bury her alongside their father as the family had planned. Adapted from the novel by Robert Waller, this is the story of love that happens just once in a lifetime -- if you're lucky - The Horse Whisperer
It is a cold winter night. Grace and her best friend Judith go for a ride with their horses, but a terrible accident changes her life forever. A truck hits them, Judith and her horse are killed, while Grace and her horse Pilgrim are seriously injured, both physically and mentally. In an attempt to bring Pilgrim back from his now savage condition, Grace's mother Annie takes them to Montana in search for Tom Booker. Tom is a "horse whisperer", a cowboy with the ability to "communicate" with horses. In the land of the Wild West Annie will change the way she sees life forever, as the wise cowboy slowly heals the souls of Pilgrim and Grace - The Illusionist (2006, PG-13)
A young boy falls in love with a girl that is way above his social standards along with the art of magic. Although the parents forbid them of seeing each other they cannot be split apart. Until one day they were found together and the boy was sent off. He became a magician and traveled the world. She fell in love with another man, the Crown Prince. The two got engaged but the boy, Eisenheim, finally meets back up with the girl and uses his powers to free her from the royal house in Vienna - The Jacket (2005, R)
In 1991, in Iraq, the military Jack Starks (Adrien Brody) is shot in the head and presumed dead. When he blinks his eyes in the morgue, the doctor is called. One year later, after being discharged from the army, while hitchhiking in a road in Vermont having amnesia problem, he helps a drunken woman, Jean Price (Kelly Lynch), and her daughter, Jackie Price, fixing their car. Later, he gets a lift, but the driver is stopped by the police and kills the policeman with three shots. Jack is also shot in the head and incriminated by the real killer, who leaves his gun close to the fainted Jack. He goes to court and is sentenced to the mental institution Alpine Grove for insane criminals. Jack becomes the experiment of Dr. Thomas Becker (Kris Kristofferson), who drugs and dresses him with a jacket and lock him in a drawer for corpses in the morgue. While locked, Jack travels to 2007, where he meets a grown-up Jackie Price (Keira Knightley) and they fall in love for each other. Jack envisions that the only exit from the institution is though the jacket - The Lake House (2006, PG)
In Chicago, the lonely architect Alex Wyler has a troubled relationship with his father Simon Wyler. In 2004, he buys an old glass house in a lake, designed and built by his father, and he finds a message in his mailbox from the former tenant, the also lonely Dr. Kate Forster, asking to deliver her correspondence in an address downtown. Alex meets his brother Henry in Chicago and when they go to the address with Dr. Forster's correspondence, they find a building of luxury apartments under construction to be delivered eighteen months later. After some messages, Alex and Kate disclose that she is living in 2006 and Alex in 2004, they fall in love for each other and they try to find means to meet each other. - The Last Unicorn - G
Once content in her forrest, a unicorn overhears two hunters say that she is the last unicorn. Determined to find out what happened to the others, she leaves her home to follow the trail of the lost unicorns. With only the story from a scatterbrained butterfly to go by, she starts on a journey that takes her far from home. Following his story, she goes off in search of the red bull who supposedly drove them all into the sea years ago. Unafraid of the outside world, she is captured and kept in a cage as part of Mommy Fortuna's traveling freak show. Fitted with a fake horn so that the unbelieveing world would see her as a unicorn, she endures her captivity until befriended and freed by the bumbling but tenderhearded magician Schmendrick. Together they continue the journey and are soon joined by the scullerymaid Molly Grue. The oddly matched trio make their way to the sea where they encournter King Haggard's red bull, who has been commissioned by the king to round up all unicorns and drive them into the sea. While he and the unircorn play cat and mouse, Schmendrick calls on his inconsistent magic and transforms the unicorn into a human. Confused by her change in shape, the red bull leaves, but they now have the problem of helping the unicorn deal with her new form. Devestated at being human, the unicorn and her companions continue on to King Haggard's castle and gain entrance as his new magician and cook/housekeeper. They introduce the unicorn as the Lady Amalthea, who spends her days wandering the castle. She quickly enchants the king's son, Price Lir, and over time comes to love him as well. As time goes by and Molly and Schmendrick continue to help search for an entrance to the red bull's lair, the unicorn begins to lose her drive to find the other unicorns as she becomes more human. Finally, when Molly gets direction from the castle cat, they seek out the help of the old skeleton and find a passageway through an old clock into the bull's tunnels under the castle. Followed by Prince Lir, the unicorn starts to have second thoughts about facing the bull since it will mean giving up love. When the bull returns unexpectedly, the four retreat to the beach where Schmendrick calls on his magic and returns the unicorn to her true form. In the meantime, Prince Lir faces the bull himself in an effort to save the Lady Amalthea. After he is run down by the bull, the unicorn finds the will to fight and attacks the bull, finally driving him into the sea. As the bull retreats, the unicorns that had been captive in the sea make their escape and pour out onto the beach, and King Haggard's castle collapses. Once all of the unicorns have returned to their homes, the unicorn stands with Molly and Schmendrick to say goodbye. Prince Lir has recovered and the unicorn realizes that she is the only unicorn to ever feel love or regret, especially now that she must leave her friends and love and return to her forrest - Stir of Echoes - R
Tom's a regular guy, a utilities lineman, married, with a young son, his wife is pregnant; he hangs out with long-time pals in a Chicago neighborhood. At a party, his sister-in-law hypnotizes him, and he goes into a deep trance. Before waking him, she suggests that he keep his mind open. That night he sees flashes of violence and the ghost of a young woman. His young son, too, is "a receiver," but while the boy is calm and coherent in his conversations with spirits, Tom is confused and agitated. Over time, the young woman's story comes to the surface, and Tom begins a hunt for her body that puts him and his usually understanding wife, Maggie, in grave danger - The Shop Around the Corner - Unrated
"Matuschek's" is the gift shop around the corner. Among the staff is Alfred Kralik, a likeable young man who's in love with a woman he has never met and whose name he doesn't even know (their "romance" has been conducted through a post office box). When Klara Novak comes to work as a clerk in the shop, the sparks begin to fly: she and Alfred can't stand each other. Of course, what neither knows is that Klara is the woman Alfred has been romancing through the mail! - The Painted Vail
This love story has Kitty meeting young, intelligent, shy and somewhat dull Dr. Walter Fane, whose forte is the study of infectious diseases, and the convenient marriage that she finds herself committed to. It is in this web of intrigue that they head for China, only after Walter discovers Kitty's infidelity with one dashing and witty diplomat Charlie Townsend. So much as to hide her from herself and to help thwart a cholera outbreak, this is a marriage more than on the rocks. This is a cold, indifferent and loveless partnership in a vast unknown and deadly environment that will test both these flightless lovebirds and with the hardships and tolerances more than any had ever anticipated. A visual delight amid the pain and suffering of a dying people and failing marriage. Will a cure be found for both, before it's too late? - The Prestige (2006, PG-13)
- The Princ & Me
A fairy tale love-story about pre-med student 'Eddie' who falls in love with a Danish Prince who refused to follow the traditions of his parents and has come to the US to quench his thirst for rebellion. Paige and Edvard come from two different worlds, but there is an undeniable attraction between them. - The Wedding Date (2005, PG-13)
"The Wedding Date" centers around Kat Ellis (Messing), who returns to her parents' London home for her sister's wedding. Afraid of confronting her ex-fiancé, who dumped her two years before, she hires a top-drawer male escort (Mulroney) to pose as her new boyfriend - Tristan & Isolde (2006, PG-13)
In the Dark Ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the weak Britain is divided in several clans, while the powerful Ireland, untouched by Romans, dominates and spoils the British tribes. The fair and noble British leader Marke meets with the other chiefs trying to unite their country, but they are attacked and slaughtered by the Irish army leaded by Morholt. Marke looses one hand protecting the young Tristan, who had just lost his parents, and he raises the boy as if he were of his blood. Years later, after another attack of the Irish forces, Tristan rescues his people that were captured to serve as slaves and kills the mean Morholt, for whom the beautiful Irish princess Isolde was promised to get married. Tristan is poisoned by the sword of Morholt, declared dead by his mates, and is put on a boat for the funeral services. Isolde finds the boat with Tristan in an Irish beach with her maid-servant Bragnae, she saves him and along the days they fall in love for each other. When Tristan returns to Britain, Isolde lies about her name. Her father, King Donnchadh, together with the traitor Wictred, decides to promote a joust, to divide the British and make Wictred king, promising the hand of Isolde to the winner, but Tristan wins the tournament. Without knowing that Isolde is his love, Tristan offers her to Marke, to promote the union of Britain. When he sees who Isolde is, he has to decide between his friendship and loyalty to Marke and his love for Isolde - Troy - R
- The 13th Warrior - R
- Nick of Time - R
- Veer Zaara (Veer-Zaara) -
Veer Pratap Singh (Shah Rukh Khan) is an officer and pilot in the Indian Air Force who one day meets a beautiful Pakistani heiress, Zaara Hayaat Khan (Preity Zinta), as she travels to a small Indian village to scatter the ashes of one of her family's loyal servants. Veer has family in the village, and while most Indians show no affection for Pakistanis, his aunt and uncle are willing to take Zaara in for the night. It isn't long before Veer finds himself falling for her; however, Veer learns that Zaara is engaged to another man, Raza (Manoj Bajpai), a cruel and humorless Pakistani. A friend of Zaara contacts Veer and tells him that Zaara wants out of her engagement and has strong feelings for him, but when he comes to her rescue, matters take a turn for the worse and Veer winds up in jail. Twenty years later, Veer is still behind bars, and finds that his case is being given a new trial, but while he has a new chance at freedom, he discovers his lawyer will be going up against a state attorney who has never lost a case - Chocolat - PG-13
Vianne Rocher and her young daughter are drifters who are met with skepticism and resistance when they move to a conservative town in rural France and open a chocolate shop during Lent. As Vianne begins to work her magic and help those around her, the townspeople are soon won-over by her exuberance and her delicious chocolates - except for the mayor, who is determined to shut her down. When a group of river drifters visit the town, Vianne teaches the townspeople something about acceptance, and finds love for herself along the way - Splash - PG
Two days ago, this girl showed up naked at the Statue of Liberty. For Alan Bauer, it was love at first sight. Now, everyone is chasing her... trying to prove she's a mermaid. From the first laugh you'll be hooked. - The Man in the Iron Mask - PG-13
- Premonition
Thursday. Her two daughters at school, suburban housewife Linda Hanson answers the door: it's the sheriff, informing her that her husband Jim died the previous day in a car accident. She picks up her children and tells them, her mother comes, and Linda makes it through the day. When she awakens on day 2, it's not Friday, it's the previous Monday. Jim is in the kitchen having breakfast. Linda thinks Thursday has been a nightmare, but the next morning when she wakes, it's Saturday after his death. And so forth for seven days - Linda goes between before and after. She pieces things together, realizing her marriage was failing. Can she save it? And can she save Jim? Wednesday approaches. - The Truth About Cats & Dogs
Janeane Garofalo plays Dr. Abby Barnes, the "Truth About Cats and Dogs" radio question-and-answer show host who unwittingly entices a listener over the radio with her soothing voice and personality. This listener, Brian, tries to meet the Abby from the radio, but Noelle, played by Uma Thurman, is mistaken for the real thing when Brian comes to the studio. Instead of clearing things up right away, the self-conscious Abby allows her best friend, Noelle, a tall, stunning blonde, to take her place for a while. Abby takes on the made-up persona of Donna, while thinking Brian would never go for her, a short, cute, brunette, who thinks she's unattractive. As the real Abby woos Brian over the phone and radio, Noelle, the pseudo-Abby, takes her place in the flesh. As time goes on, Abby feels more and more confident that Brian would rather have the beautiful Noelle than the simply attractive Abby - American Beauty (1999, R)
Lester Burnham is suffering a mid-life crisis that affects the lives of his family, which is made up of his super bitch of a wife Carolyn and rebelling daughter Jane, who hates him. Carolyn is a real estate agent, a little too wrapped up in her job, who takes on an affair with business rival Buddy Kane. Meanwhile Jane seems to fall in love with Ricky Fitts, the strange boy next door, who is a drug dealer/documentarian and lives under a roof governed by a very strict marine father and a speechless mother. Lester's mid-life crisis causes him to drastically change his life around when he quits his job and works at a fast food restaurant. He starts working out to gain the attention of Angela, a friend of Jane's, who brags about her sexual exploits every weekend. Lives change and not for the best. - Identity (2003, R)
Strangers from all different walks of life: a limo driver escorting a movie star, parents with a young son, a cop transporting a convict, a prostitute, a young couple, and a motel manager are caught up in a nasty rainstorm, stuck at a motel in desolate Nevada. Soon they realize they may be at the motel for another reason when one by one, people start getting killed off. As tensions flare and fingers are pointed, they have to get to the bottom of why they're there. Meanwhile in an undisclosed location, a psychiatrist is trying to prove the innocence of a man accused of murder in an eleventh hour trial. How these two through-lines are related can only be found in Identity - Fight Club (1999, R)
- The Skeleton Key (2005)
Caroline (Kate Hudson) is a twenty-five-year-old hospice worker who cares for the ailing and the elderly, a job designed to atone for her own mistake for ignoring her dying father in the past, when she had been a rock 'n' roll manager. After her latest charge passes away, Caroline takes a job in Louisiana, caring for Ben (John Hurt), a stroke-victim who is bed-ridden and cannot speak. But Caroline becomes suspicious of the house, and Ben's cold wife, Violet (Gena Rowlands) only adds to the creepy atmosphere. After acquiring a skeleton key, Caroline makes her way into a secret room within the attic where she discovers hair, blood, bones, spells, and other instruments for practicing hoodoo. Violet says she has never been in the secret room, but that the items probably belonged to the original owners' two houseworkers, who practiced black magic and were lynched as a result. Noting that Ben had his stroke in the attic after entering the room, Caroline is determined to unlock the secrets of the house, and rescue Ben from the horrors that hold him captive within - The Sixth Sense (1999, PG-13)
Child psychologist Malcom Crowe is one night visited by an ex-patient named Vincent, angry, enraged. He wounds Crowe, then kills himself. A few months later, Crowe is visited by a 9-year old boy named Cole. He sees dead people who do not know they are dead. Because of this, he is called a freak in school. Crowe, at first thinks he is seeing things, but after spending a lot of time with Cole (much to his wife's dismay), he discovers Cole may be seeing dead people after all - Unknown (2006, Unrated)
How would you feel if: You were tied to a chair, In a locked-down warehouse, In the middle-of-nowhere, With no recollection what-so-ever of what happened, or what didn't. To add to it, you're not alone. There's 4 others in the exact same state of mind. Some responsible for putting the others there BUT no one knows who's who. Thats how this movie starts, getting grittier with every passing minute - Gigi (1958, G)
- 10 Things I Hate About You (1999, PG-
- Pretty Woman (1990, R)
Vivian Ward has found a way of living by working as a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. When she runs into the prince of her dreams, who comes along on his wild horse, she first does not recognize him as her saviour. The prince, a ruthless and wealthy businessman by the name of Edward Lewis, does not know that she could be more than just a girl from the sidewalk, but he changes his decision after the first night with the beautiful stranger. Her being the first person in a long time who could surprise him, Edward can slowly feel the light at the end of the tunnel. He is on his way to become a better person, whereas Vivian has got a new chance to start over again. - Down with Love (2003, PG-13)
Down with love? Just eat some chocolate, forget the man, and take control of your own life." The time is the swinging 60's, and the world is being turned upside-down by the hit bestseller, "Down with Love", which preaches to women that they don't need men to be happy. Playboy journalist Catcher Block is suddenly unable to pursue his many love affairs. Furious, he goes undercover to prove that the book's author, Barbara Novak, can fall in love. But Barbara has plans of her own, and pretty soon her best friend and publicist and Catcher's boss are all wrapped up in the romantic entanglements. Will Catcher succeed in humiliating Barbara in the eyes of the world? Will Barbara's publicist sniff out the truth before she can find her own happy ending? Or will Barbara finally fall "down with love" and take everybody else down with her? Whatever happens, nothing will ever be the same in this hilarious sex farce of mistaken identities, hidden agendas and, most of all, rollicking romance. - Blast from the Past (1999, PG-13)
- Simone (, PG-13)
The career of a disillusioned producer, who is desperate for a hit, is endangered when his star walks off the film set. Forced to think fast, the producer decides to digitally create an actress "Simone" to sub for the star--the first totally believable synthetic actress. The "actress" becomes an overnight sensation, with a major singing career as well, and everyone thinks she's a real person. However, as Simone's fame skyrockets, he cannot bear to admit his fraud to himself or the world - The Magnificent Seven (1960,
A remake of "The Seven Samurai." Seven men are picked to guard a Mexican village from Banditos that come every now and then to take whatever the town has grown since their last visit. When they are hired, they go to the town and teach the villagers how to defend themselves. When the leader of the bandits come, they fight him and his men off. the second time he comes the villagers give the seven to them, due to a heated argument. The leader of the bandits take their guns and throw them out of town he gives them horses and gives their guns back to them when they are far out of town. The seven decide that they aren't going to run, and head back to the village for a final showdown - Chasing Liberty (2004, PG-13)
Anna Foster, the 18 year-old daughter of the President of the United States (Mark Harmon). She has a dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without an army of Secret Service agents around her at all times. The movie begins with Anna going on a first date, and the Secret Service agents ruining it. On a trip to Europe, Anna ditches the Secret Service agents and meets Ben (Matthew Goode). Anna thinks she is finally free to live like other teenagers, and she sets out to tour Europe with Ben, with whom she falls in love. - How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003,
- House of Flying Daggers (Shi mian mai fu) (2004, PG-13)
- Heat (1995, R)
Neil McCauley is a thief... an expert thief... one of the best. His philosophy in life - become attached to nothing in life that you can't walk away from in 30 seconds if you spot the "Heat" around the corner. His crew of criminals is a high-tech outfit pulling off professional jobs that impress even the likes of Detective Vincent Hanna. But Hanna, a man driven through life only by his work, becomes obsessed, at the expense of his private life, with bringing McCauley down. As McCauley's crew prepare for the score of a lifetime, and Hanna's team tries to bring him in, the two find that they are challenged by the greatest minds on the opposite side of the law that either one has ever encountered - Cold Mountain (2003, R)
Cold Mountain" tells the story of a wounded Confederate soldier named Inman who struggles on a perilous journey to get back home to Cold Mountain, N.C. as well as to Ada, the woman he left behind before going off to fight in the Civil War. Along the way, he meets a long line of interesting and colorful characters, while back at home, Ada is learning the ropes of managing her deceased father's farm with Ruby, a scrappy drifter who assists and teaches Ada along the way - Maid in Manhattan (2002, PG-13)
Marisa Ventura (Lopez) is a single mother born and bred in the boroughs of New York City, who works as a maid in a first-class Manhattan hotel. By a twist of fate and mistaken identity, Marisa meets Christopher Marshall (Fiennes), a handsome heir to a political dynasty, who believes that she is a guest at the hotel. Fate steps in and throws the unlikely pair together for one night. When Marisa's true identity is revealed, the two find that they are worlds apart, even though the distance separating them is just a subway ride between Manhattan and the Bronx. - Equilibrium (2002, R)
- Mona Lisa Smile (2003, PG-13)
- The Sound of Music (1965, G)
In 1930's Austria, a young woman named Maria is failing miserably in her attempts to become a nun.When the Navy captain Georg Von Trapp writes to the convent asking for a governess that can handle his seven mischevious children,Maria is given the job.The Captain's wife is dead,and he is often away,and runs the household as strictly as he does the ships he sails on.The children are unhappy and resentful of the governesses that their father keeps hiring,and have managed to run each of them off one by one.When Maria arrives,she is initially met with the same hostility,but her kindness,understanding,and sense of fun soon draws them to her and brings some much-needed joy into all their lives--including the Captain's.Eventually he and Maria find themselves falling in love,even though Georg is already engaged to a Baroness and Maria is still a postulant.The romance makes them both start questioning the decisions they have made.Their personal conflicts soon become overshadowed,however,by world events.Austria is about to come under the control of Germany,and the Captain may soon find himself drafted into the German navy and forced to fight against his own country - Phone Booth (2003, R)
Stu Shepard is a fast talking and wise cracking New York City publicist who gets out of trouble and lies with his clever charm, connections, and charisma. Stu's greatest lie is to his wife Kelly, who he is cheating on with his girlfriend, Pam. Upon answering a call in a phone booth in belief it is Pam, Stu is on the line with a dangerous yet intelligent psychopath with a sniper rifle. When realizing it is not a joke, Stu is placed in a powerful mind game of wits and corruption. The New York City Police eventually arrive thereafter and demand Stu comes out of the phone booth- but how can he when if he hangs up or leaves the booth he will die? - Sleepers (1996, R)
Four boys growing up in Hell's Kitchen play a prank that leads to an old man getting hurt. Sentenced to no less than one year in the Wilkenson Center in upstate New York, the four friends are changed by the beating, humiliation and sexual abuse by the guards sworn to protect them. Thirteen years later and a chance meeting lead to a chance for revenge against the Wilkenson Center and the guards - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003, PG-13)
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long) (2000, PG-13)
- Joan of Arc (1999, Unrated)
- Seven (1995, R)
This thriller portrays the exploits of a deranged serial-killer. His twisted agenda involves choosing seven victims who represent egregious examples of transgressions of each of the Seven Deadly Sins. He then views himself as akin to the Sword of God, handing out horrific punishment to these sinners. Two cops, an experienced veteran of the streets who is about to retire and the ambitious young homicide detective hired to replace him, team up to capture the perpetrator of these gruesome killings. Unfortunately, they too become ensnared in his diabolical plan - Her Hidden Truth (1995)
A young Billie Calhoun is accused of killing her mother and sister in a house fire. she is taken to a juvenile detention center. When she reaches 18 she requests an early release, but it is denied. so she escapes to find the real killer of her mother and sister. Eventually she seeks the aid of a cop, Matt Samoni - From Hell (2001, R)
- Pride and Prejudice (2005, PG)
- The King and I (1956, G)
- Single White Female (1992, R)
Alison "Allie" Jones is a software designer in New York City. While her professional star is on the rise -- she has created a computer software package that will revolutionize the fashion world -- her personal life is a mess. Allie banishes her fiancé Sam Rawson from her rent-controlled apartment on Manhattan's Upper West Side, after discovering that he slept with his ex-wife. Allie finds platonic comfort in her neighbor Graham Knox, an aspiring actor with a sensitive shoulder to lean on. Realizing that the only way to hold on to her apartment is to find a roommate, Allie places an ad and interviews a succession of unsuitable candidates before settling on the shy Hedra "Hedy" Carlson, the ideal roomie in Allie's eyes. Hedy quickly fills the void left in Allie's life by Sam's departure. Allie is only too happy to allow Hedy to cook and clean for her. Their friendship deepens when Hedy brings home an adorable and -- unknown to Allie -- very expensive puppy. Allie later discovers the receipt and confronts Hedy, but Allie can't bring herself to part with the puppy. Unknown to Allie, Hedy erases Sam's phone messages when he calls to plead for a reconciliation. Before long, she's even begun dressing the same way Allie does. Allie passes off this strange behavior as that of an insecure but well-intentioned woman. When Allie reconciles with Sam about a month after Hedy moved into the apartment, Allie and Sam toy with the idea of Sam moving into the apartment with Allie. Hedy goes over the edge, knowing that this means that she would have to move out of the apartment. One afternoon, while Allie and Sam are out of the apartment, the puppy, which Allie has grown to love, plunges mysteriously to its death from a window. And before long, Hedy's closet contains the exact same clothes as Allie's, and Hedy has even had her hair cut and dyed to match Allie's look, resulting in a startling resemblance between Allie and Hedy, with height being virtually the only difference. More than a little unnerved, a suspicious Allie talks to Graham. Graham advises Allie to get Hedy to move out of the apartment. Allie begins to investigate Hedy's background. Allie goes into Hedra's room and looks through her possessions, and discovers that Hedy is not who she claims to be -- Hedy's real name is Ellen Besch. Years ago, when Ellen was 9-years-old, Ellen's twin sister Judy drowned at a family picnic. An absolutely devastated Ellen hasn't been the same since Judy's death. The bond between siblings can be strong, but it can be especially strong with twins. For years, Ellen's parents tried to explain to her that Judy's death was not her fault, but Ellen never forgave herself for living while Judy died. Ellen, who had undergone futile counseling, had been looking for a female companion so Ellen could have a friend to replace Judy. That's why Ellen tries to look exactly like whatever roommate she had at the moment...so it would be like Ellen still had a twin sister. Before moving in with Allie, Ellen had lived with a woman in Tampa. That didn't work out, so Ellen killed the woman and went to New York, later moving in with Allie. Now, as Ellen becomes progressively more dangerous, Allie must find a way to free herself from Ellen before Allie ends up like the woman in Tampa - Psycho (1960, R)
Phoenix officeworker Marion Crane is fed up with the way life has treated her. She has to meet her lover Sam in lunch breaks and they cannot get married because Sam has to give most of his money away in alimony. One Friday Marion is trusted to bank $40,000 by her employer. Seeing the opportunity to take the money and start a new life, Marion leaves town and heads towards Sam's California store. Tired after the long drive and caught in a storm, she gets off the main highway and pulls into The Bates Motel. The motel is managed by a quiet young man called Norman who seems to be dominated by his mother. - Interview with the Vampire (1994, R)
- Mask (1985, PG-13)
- A Time to Kill (1996, R)
- Doctor Sleep (2002)
While treating a policewoman for smoking, hypnotherapist Michael Strother has a telepathic vision of a young girl floating beneath the surface of a stream. The escaped victim of a ritualistic serial killer, the girl has become mute, and Michael is called upon by Scotland Yard to unlock the secrets she holds in order to catch a man who believes he has discovered the key to immortality - Rain Man (1988, R)
Charles Sanford "Charlie" Babbit is a self-centered Los Angeles-based automobile dealer/hustler/bookie who is at war with his own life. Charlie, as a young teenager, used his father's 1948 Buick convertible without permission and as a result, he went to jail for two days on account that his father reported it stolen. It is then that Charlie learns that his estranged father died and left him from his last will and testament a huge bed of roses and the car while the remainder will of $3 Million goes into a trust fund to be distributed to someone. Charlie seemed pretty angry by this and decides to look into this matter. It seems as if that "someone" is Raymond, Charlie's unknown brother, an autistic savant who lives in a world of his own, resides at the Walbrook Institute. Charlie then kidnaps Raymond and decides to take him on a lust for life trip to the west coast as a threat to get the $3 Million inheritance. Raymond's acts and nagging, including repeated talks of "Abbott & Costello", "Four minutes till Wapner" and refusal to fly on an airline except Quantas drives Charlie insane... and out of his selfish world into a cross-country trek of pure love and understanding that these two both have - Big (1988, PG)
- Sling Blade (1997, R)
Karl Childers, now a grown man, is released from a psychiatric hospital where he has been hospitalized since the age of 12 for the murder of his mother and her lover. He returns to his childhood town and although being mentally handicapped, gets a job fixing small motors at a local repair shop. Karl befriends a young boy, Frank, and is soon invited by Frank's mother, Linda, to move into the family's garage. As a strong relationship develops between Karl and Frank, a confrontation builds with Linda's abusive and sometimes violent boyfriend Doyle - Made of Honor (2008, PG-13)
Made of Honor revolves around Tom and Hannah, who have been platonic friends for 10 years. He's a serial dater, while she wants marriage but hasn't found Mr. Right. Just as Tom is starting to think that he is relationship material after all, Hannah gets engaged. When she asks Tom to be her "maid" of honor, he reluctantly agrees just so he can attempt to stop the wedding and woo her - The Island - PG-13
- Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)
In 1944, in South Pacific, the castaway Marine Corporal Allison drifts in a raft to the Tuasiva Island, where he meets Sister Angela. She tells him that she is the only person in the island and was left behind by the runaway boat to Fiji Island while seeking the local priest. Stranded in the island, but with water, fish and fruits, their paradisiacal life ends when the Japanese arrive to build a base, forcing Allison and the nun to hide in a cave. The crude marine provides the necessary supply for their survival and falls in love for the nun - Dangerous Heart (1994
A cop begins to turn to booze and coke during a tough undercover assignment. When a big drug-buy goes sour and the cop ends up with a million in cash, he decides to take off with the money. The drug dealer catches up with him, but he dies before revealing where he stashed the cash. Months later, the drug dealer finds the cop's wife and seduces her, in an effort to find his missing million. In the process, he falls in love with her and alienates his former partners in crime - Her Costly Affair (1996
A professor's casual fling with her graduate student turns deadly when he insists on a more permanent arrangement - A Secret Affair (1999
Vanessa Stewart is a beautiful American woman engaged to be married. Vanessa is an artist and is also a buyer for her father's company. She goes to Venice on a business trip and meets television reporter Bill Fitzgerald from Ireland. They fall madly in love in the four days they are in Venice. Vanessa realizes, because of him that she would rather be an artist than a business person. She comes back to the States, and he invites her to meet in Ireland. There she meets his mother and daughter. Vanessa comes back to the U.S. and breaks her engagement. Bill and Vanessa are supposed to meet again in Venice. Bill is on assignment in a war zone and is kidnaped by looters. There is a ransom to be paid, but nobody shows up to get the ransom money - Come September (1961
Wealthy industrialist Robert Talbot arrives early for his annual vacation at his luxurious Italian villa to find three problems lying in wait for him. Firstly, his long-time girlfriend Lisa Fellini has given up waiting for him to pop the question and has decided to marry another man. Secondly, the major domo of his villa, Maurice Clavell, has turned the estate into a posh hotel to make some easy money while the boss isn't around. And, finally, the current guests of the "hotel" are a group of young American girls trying to fend off a gang of oversexed boys, led by Tony, who are 'laying siege' at the outer walls of the villa. Talbot, to his own surprise, finds himself becoming an overprotective chaperone - Lover Come Back
Jerry Webster and Carol Templeton are both in the advertising business, but for different agencies. Annoyed by Jerry's methods of using alcohol and women to ensure contracts for his agency, Carol tries to get him thrown out of his profession. To avoid this Jerry bribes the girl who'd testify against him, by starring her in a TV commercial for a product named VIP that he's just made up. By accident these commercials are broadcasted and to keep his job, Jerry has to come up with VIP for which he enlists the help of Doctor Linus Tyler. Carol goes to see the Doctor to try and get the VIP account, but because she and Jerry have never met, she mistakes Jerry for the Doctor. Jerry then takes advantage of this situation to win her - A Farewell to Arms (1957)
The story of an affair between an English nurse an an American soldier on the Italian front during World War - The Defiant Ones (1958)
Joker Jackson and Noah Cullen are two convicts on a chain gang who hate each other. After a truck prison accident, they flee and are pursued by the police. While they're chained, the two are dependent on one another. When they eventually get rid of their chains, their hostility has been changed into fellowship and respect - Stolen Women, Captured Hearts (1997
- White Nights (1985
Nikolai Rochenko, a Russian ballet dancer who 8 years ago defected to the West. He is in a plane flying over Russia when all of a sudden, a malfunction forces the plane to land in Russia. The KGB tells everyone that his injuries are so severe that he has to remain confide for a while. But in reality they want him to return to them, so they bring him to his old apartment and an American, Raymond Greenwood, who himself defected to Russia several years ago, is placed there to keep an eye on him. However, Rochenko is not about to give in and is determined to escape. So with help from his former lover, he gets word to the Americans. And even Raymond is started to be disillusioned with Russia, and he has to decide if he is going to do what he was sent to do or help Rochenko. - Last of the Mohicans
- The Collector (1965
Freddie (Terence Stamp) is an inept bank clerk with no future. His only hobby is collecting butterflies, which gives him a feeling of power and control that is otherwise totally missing from his life. He comes into a large sum of money, and buys himself a country house. Still unable to make himself at ease socially, he starts to plan on acquiring a girl friend - in the same manner as he collects butterflies. He prepares the cellar of the house to be a collecting jar, and stalks his victim over several days - Enchanted (2007)
Once upon a time in the kingdom of Andalasia, a beautiful young maiden named Giselle lives in a cottage in the forest. But before she can marry the dashing Prince Edward, Giselle is sent tumbling down a magical well - and finds herself in the non-animated, extremely disenchanted world of modern-day New York City. There, she befriends a cynical divorce lawyer, Robert, who isn't so sure that her prince is coming to rescue her. Giselle's spontaneous singing and fairy-tale demeanor enchant everyone around her as she waits for Prince Edward. But she's about to discover that love in the real world isn't always as easy as sharing a single True Love's Kiss - and that she'll need courage, spunk and maybe just a little enchantment if she's ever going to find her own happily-ever-after. - Killing Me Softly (2002)
London website designer Alice was happy in a stable relationship with reliable, somewhat boring Jake, but quickly dumps him after falling in love at first sight and having wild sex with an overbearing hot hunk, even before she discovers it's the famous mountaineer Adam Tallis, a studly celebrity about whom a book is just being promoted. In no time they get married, despite anonymous warnings not to trust him. In Adam's presence she enjoys being his slavish sex-toy, but when alone at his place can't resist snooping into his past, thus finding out about women falling out of love with him and concluding her climbing rescuer is scarily, dangerously jealous, but she has no proof - Someone Is Watching (2000)
Cory is a young boy who has just moved into a new house with his mom. He develops a relationship with an "imaginary" friend who lives in his closet. No one believes him until people start dying violently and the "imaginary" friend becomes all too real